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Super fans for the world’s biggest pop stars, like Beyoncé and Taylor Swift, are reportedly not the only ones embarking on a journey to see some live music.

“A new study from Price4Limo reveals that more than one in 10 fans are actually traveling 500 miles or more to attend concerts,” Thrillist’s Opheli Garcia Lawler writes. “And the artists most commonly traveled long distances for aren’t necessarily the ones you’d think.”

Researchers behind the study surveyed 1,000 music fans to help determine which fan bases are traveling the most and spending the most on live music.

To learn the average amount of time fans traveled for shows, Garcia Lawler reports researchers “reverse-calculated [the time] based on the distance traveled and mode of transportation taken.”

Price4Limo’s study further explains, “For planes, we used the equation (distance / 517) + 3. The 3 accounted for an estimated three hours in the airport. For ground travel, we assumed an average speed of 45 mph for cars and 90 mph for trains.”

The study found that overall, New York City, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas are the top concert destinations for music fans across the board. “As far as genres are concerned, blues, indie rock, and folk music fans were most likely to say they have traveled to a different city to see a concert or festival,” Garcia Lawler writes.

Fans of blues groups, like the Tedeschi Trucks Band, were reportedly most likely to say they have traveled to a different city to see a concert or festival. (Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images)

Fans of classic rock artists including Pink Floyd, Nirvana and Fleetwood Mac, have traveled upwards of an average 132 miles to attend a concert.

According to researchers, the study also found a wide contrast in how far fans of different music genres were willing to go for their favorite artists. “While most classical music fans would reportedly not travel outside of their own state for a concert, more than one in six EDM, reggae, and indie rock fans said they would travel to a different continent for a festival or concert,” Garcia Lawler reports.

>> Read more and check out all the survey results here.